Time to go. Nope. Time to wait.

Scott and Brian dropped us off at the Seattle airport on Friday night for our flight to England, and we made it through security and passport checks with much time to spare. After a bit of waiting, we got on the plane and took our traditional "leaving another country photo" (see above). We even struck up a conversation with a very nice lady who was sharing the row with us.
After sitting for quite a while on the runway, the captain announced that there was a steering problem and we would have to return to the gate. At the gate, our names were called - which is clearly a bad sign. The Alaska Airline folks told us that because of the delay, we would miss our flight from Boston to the UK. So, they put us up in a hotel for the night, and we were rescheduled to leave on Saturday instead. I felt a bit pouty and tired as we caught the shuttle from the airport to the hotel.

After 4 hours of sleep, we returned to the airport and we actually got to fly this time. It was a fine flight, but we did spend 13 hours in the air and we were dead tired when we arrived in London.
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