Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sydney Highlights

We ran out of time in Sydney (surprising, eh?) and didn't get an opportunity to blog about everything we did. Needless to say, our six days in Sydney where not only spent touring the Opera House and looking at the Harbor Bridge. Being ourselves, we also spent a far amount of time in cafes, pubs, and wandering lost through interesting neighborhoods. (After two months of travelling, I am amazed that we managed to find our way back to Ballard every night for the past few years. We have spent more time being lost...)

Anyways, here are some of our the highlights of our visit.
** Basketball in Wolloomoolloo: Joey found a group of guys to play basketball with. The lone American, though a bit older than the rest of the crowd, he was one of the best (maybe the best) player on the court. We revised our hostel plans, staying in King's Cross instead of heading out to Bondi Beach so that he could enjoy a little extra time on the court. Yes, I am a wonderful wife.
** Dov at Delectica (or something like that): we found this excellent little cafe, complete with a waitress with an excellent accent, our first day in King's Cross. We returned more times than I care to mention. The capaccinos and croque madame (okay, and the pancakes, the eggs benedict, the cheese and tomato melt) were delicious. Being recognized was also a pleasure after so long away from our usual local faves.
** Cheap pasta on Victoria Street: an excellent meal for twenty bucks, in Sydney, awesome.
** Ferry ride to Manley (in the monsoon): it poured on us repeatedly during the second half of our stay. Our beach days were cancelled due to sheets of water falling from the sky. On the last day, we unpacked our raincoats and took the ferry over to Manley, one of the must dos in Sydney. (We had attempted the Seattlite trick of ignoring the rain but waterfalls of rain are much more difficult to ignore.) The ride across the harbor was a rollercoaster, quite fun but not for those who get sea sick. The surf was up over in Manley; we got a kick out of watching the surfers and one lone kite boarder. We eventually got rained out of our perch but, absent the sheets of water, we could have watched the surfers all day.


At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always go for basketball over cultural moments.
(Joey, how freakin great is your sister-in-law?)

At 5:28 AM, Blogger Joey and Erin said...

i do have a swell sister-in-law. my wife is pretty nice as well.

playing ball was super fun, and it was a cool way to meet some other travelers.


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