First Treatment Notes

Monday was the first chemotherapy treatment, which is called "RCHOP". According to about dot com, "R-CHOP is the abbreviated name of a combination of drugs used in chemotherapy for aggressive Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas (NHL). It is a relatively new combination which adds the drug Rituximab - a monoclonal antibody, to the standard combination called CHOP. CHOP consists of four chemotherapy drugs."
The actual chemo infusion was relatively easy with a couple of delays along the way. Because of how the human body (potentially) reacts to Rituximab, it is infused very slowly to ensure there are no problems. Except for a few chills and itchy fingers all went well for me. Erin was there most of the day, and Blake & Will showed up for lunch to listen to me snore and tell bad jokes.
The following days have been hazy. I've read/heard of "chemo brain" but I literally get my chronology mixed up sometimes - did i just brush my teeth? again?
Taking care of the babies has been helpful. It is the perfect routine in the midst of chaos. We've also had super help around so far, and so many nice folks bringing food, etc. We've been overwhelmed by the kindness of our friends. As my mother says, "it's another star in their crown".
So, the craziest thing so far is that the swollen lymph node in my left hip is hardly palpable any more. The drs said that there may be an immediate effect in the area, but I had no idea that it would be so immediate and obvious. Anyway, more later...
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