Monday, January 15, 2007

Pedestrian Mantra - Watch Out!!

In New Zealand (and we are learning in Australia), the car has the right of way - not the pedestrian. Even when one is raised to "look both ways before crossing the street," the traffic rules here are totally opposite of what we expect.

First of all, the cars come from a different direction than we anticipate (see previous post). Additionally, cars simply don't stop for peds. Even when there are marked crossings, you have to practically run for your life.

I asked a local about this. He laughed and said, "Didn't you see that blinking signal next to the traffic light? Look for the picture of the man walking." I assured him that I had looked, and the lights are the major issue. It is mostly when crossing the street in a cross walk.

I promise that we are looking both ways - TWICE! I've heard that traffic in other countries can get pretty harrowing, so NZ & Aussie traffic shouldn't scare us. Hopefully, we'll break the habit of assuming that drivers don't want to kill walkers.


At 3:57 PM, Blogger John said...

Sounds you guys are having a great time. This is John. We met in a cave in Waitomo!

Well, as we found out, people are like deer and rabbits in NZ! Lots of them, and they are all running in front of traffic!

At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joey & Erin,
Lavinia and I feel bad we never took you to Panama to learn the valuable lesson of how to cross a street outside of the U.S. It is indeed a different experience. I don't even think there is a word of Pedestrian in Panamanian Spanish, could be the same for other hispanic countries. Anyway, be safe out there.

One tip for driving. Rent the most dented car out there. You'll be more aggressive in sticking your nose out in traffic. In fact, aim to do that in front of really nice cars because they won't risk hitting you. Lavi's Dad taught me that trick. I aim for BMW'ers.



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