Lost in Translation
We have read articles about how the Chinese national government is trying to do a thorough editorial review of Beijing in preparation for the 2008 Olympics to reduce the amount of English misspellings and mistranslations. Unfortunatly for them, they have a bit more work to do. Fortunately for us, we are constantly giggling about funny signs that we find.

Happy Birthday Erin,
Wherever you may be, and however you may be celebrating :)
I haven't checked your blog in awhile, but it appears that everyone is well. As far as the Chinese translations, it seems that hiring someone who speaks English as a first language is not expensive, and certainly more accurate than their current method. But Asian restaurants in Seattle are not different. Good fodder for humor regardless.
On a different note, sorry to hear about Deanna's daughter...very sad. I hope the family's doing well, even if Bryan is irritating Barbara by being affectionate with his boyfriend in a UPC church. I think Bryan might still be working out some childhood issues.
Chat w/u later.
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