Bollywood Invitation

Mumbai is the capital of Bollywood. If you are not yet aware or have not seen a Bollywood film, you are really missing out. Some of the themes are too funny, and every film (seriously, EVERY film) has a music video or two mashed into the middle.
Unfortunately, we have not been able to see a Bollywood film on the big screen, but we've watched a couple on TV. They are very hard to get since they are in Hindi, but often the story is pretty evident. One of the most recent releases is about a cop who is mixed up in the mafia. The preview shows tons of explosions and shootings and car chases and, you guessed it, a music video where the entire cast sings and dances.
On the day before we left Mumbai, we walked past a shoot. They had cameras and cast and the whole lot, and we stopped to watch for a bit. While we were watching, one of the crew came over and invited us to come by tomorrow to be in the film because they needed some extra westerners. We were so bummed!! Well, I was bummed. Erin wasn't as thrilled about being in a movie that none of our friends would ever hear of much less watch. Anyway, it is still a cool story, so I had to share.
Sorry you missed what could have been your big travellers/Indian movie stars...that would have been cool.
that's it i'm moving to bollywood to be a famous actor!!!
Hi dear kids! What a fantastic(so understated) experience you are having!! Uncle Jim and I are green with envy but delighted that you two have the foresight and courage to do what you are doing!! Even if you didn't have the opportunity to have your big break in Bollywood..sounds like a blast! Thinking of you...L.
the name is Austin, Joey Austin would have been a great line, even in Hindi
Yeah I'm sure living here in the Bay Area, we can get just about any Bollywood movie ever made. Are you sure you don't want to go back and be in the movie? :-) The tip about the music videos makes me want to see one. I can just imagine the music..sweet.
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