Single-Serving Friends

While traveling, we have met lots of people – some we only meet for a moment, some we spend days with, and some we would like to see more of. One thing that many of us have in common is our tendency to blog about our travels. Below we list a few that we particularly like, please check them out when you have a moment.
In Siem Reap, we met a very cool couple from Denver, Paul and Monica. They are possibly two of the only people outside of Erin’s father who were willing to look at every single bas relief carving in the temples at Angkor. None of that “step out of the tuk-tuk, snap a picture from the first gate, and go on to the next temple” crap for them and they enjoyed a good BeerLao! Erin loved having someone to lecture to besides Joey about the religious iconography and Joey, as noted in the previous post, enjoyed having two extra playmates. Paul and Monica started their trip by working in Antarctica for a few months. Their blog is:
During our bus mishap in Laos, we met Sloan and Amy from Portland. They quit their jobs, sold their house, and our on a long mission to find reasons to wander. Their blog is:
While on the elephant trip in Luang Prabang, we met a British couple, Charlie and Scott. They were at the tail end of their nine month trip. We shared many stories of home and a few delicious BeerLaos. They do not have a blog but you can see their pictures on Flickr:
Two people that we haven’t met but talk about as if they are long lost friends are Lee and Sachi from The World is Not Flat. While planning for our trip, Erin stumbled across their site. It provided equal doses of inspiration and education. Six months into our trip, we still find ourselves asking WWLSD, what would Lee and Sachi do?
Without a blog but worthy of a mention are Shelly and Claire, two Brits we met in a Chinese train station and proceeded to spend a “brilliant” twenty-odd hours with; Rich, from England but encountered in Singapore who introduced us to Bill Bryson, now known to us as “the Gospel according to Bill”; James and Gemma, more Brits who we shared a couple of buckets with and who gave us their India book; and Jessica and her parents, a lovely German family who we kept running into in Thailand and Laos. If you look carefully, some of these folks show up in our photos.
Oh man. I finally get myself back to a (somewhat) normal sleep schedule only to stay up into the wee, wee hours immersed in Lee and Sachi's site. Sometimes there are just too many exciting things to ponder to spend time sleeping.
Hey Joey & Erin!
Long lost friends indeed! Your beautiful pictures bring me right back. Keep uploading those photos...I love it. Lee and I are very much looking forward to your return!
Stay safe and try to taste something new each day. Enjoy!
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