Monday, October 25, 2010

Can you get that for me?

As Erin's belly gets larger, there are certain things that she is no longer able to do. Like touch her toes or reach anything on the floor...

Don't get me wrong. She continues to do chores, which I've declared off limits, but she refuses to listen (thankfully). In any case, our lives have become a game of "while you are up..." and "can you get that for me?" and my personal favorite, "can you help me up?"

I feel like it is practice for when the kids start playing the pick-up-that-thing-that-i-just-threw-on-the-floor game with us. You know that game.

To be honest, I'm looking forward to playing.


PS - 25 weeks. January will be here before we know it!


At 8:01 AM, Anonymous mandi said...

Haha...she's become the queen of "while you're up..." I love it!


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