Sabine and Daria are now 8 months old. They are totally awesome. Both girls have their own distinct ways of approaching the world. It makes life around here quite interesting.

Daria is in constant motion. She has no off switch. She can crawl quite quickly for short distances. She gets her feet all tangled up, distracting her nicely, when she attempts the longer distances. As soon as she figures out that it is better to crawl (and stand) with one's feet uncrossed, the house will be hers. As it is, nothing is safe from her curious fingers, and mouth, as she tries to figure out how everything works. If she doesn't get it the first time, she will keep at it until she does.

Sabine is our chatterbox. Once she gets going, you can hear her throughout the house. Where Daria succeeds through sheer persistence, Sabine is much more likely to watch until she figures out how to do whatever it is she wants to do. She is not very mobile yet. There seems to be little around her that deserves the effort. She takes a totally cute wiggle worm approach when she does need to get somewhere. It is not efficient but it works. Sabine is also our cuddler and an unabashed mama's girl. Daria will snuggle until something else catches her attention; Sabine is there for the snuggle first. She and her Grandpa Bear have been quite content to cuddle in the rocker for hours.

Joey is finally feeling like a normal person. July and August were rough months. He never really recuperated from the fifth round of chemo, so round six hit him really hard. About six weeks after rocking a half-marathon, he had to spend a weekend in the hospital due to infection concerns. He ended up being fine, but the last round of chemo made us realize how lucky we had been up until then. Joey will go in for a final round of testing towards the end of September. I think the news will be good, but the waiting is hard.

We were incredibly blessed to have such great help from the day the girls arrived throughout this whole cancer thing. I can't imagine how we would have done it without grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and coworkers. Thank you to all of you.
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