Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Like, every half hour

So, I've noticed that Erin has had to "go" more frequently, but the reason didn't really dawn on me until I saw the above picture. I've had some anatomy classes and such, but a very kind ultrasound technician pointed out that Ani's head is getting so large that it is intruding on Erin's bladder. Hopefully, the labels in the lower image will make it easier to see that there's an indentation where her head is pressing.

It hadn't occurred to me until today that this is not only a drag to go pee all the time, but it makes one tired when not being able to get a good night's sleep. Hopefully, this is good "practice for no sleep" as my family likes to say.

Monday, December 20, 2010

231 days

Photo from Sunday.
33 weeks and counting.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

All these tests!

Beginning this week, Erin has to go to two dr appointments per week.
We've already had to go way more often than I expected, but I think we might have to exchange gifts with the nurses since we'll see them so regularly during the holidays.

Erin has been very tolerant of all the poking and prodding (see below), and I actually have gotten used to seeing the girls with regularity. All signs point to healthy babies and healthy mommy.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Latest pic - 12/6

We haven't posted a belly photo in a long time, so here's the latest.
More soon...