Thanksgiving Offerings
In a year that started with this...
And included this....

We have so much to be thankful for.
Our two tiny babies, who spent ten days and twenty-six days in the hospital respectively, have grown into happy, healthy almost eleven-month olds. While there are still moments of "OMG, we have twins," I can't imagine life without Sabine and Daria. They are a joy. My life is immeasurably better just because I get to be their mom.
The support of friends -- near and far, old and new -- made some of the lowest moments bearable and some of the best even better. We didn't have to feed ourselves for months because of your generosity. The drop-ins, calls, beers, emails, unexpected gifts, and facebook posts brightened many days. Thank you to all of you. (I am avoiding the Oscar-gaffe of listing names but we truly do appreciate all that you have done for us.)
Family is always there when you need them. Our family showed their true colors this year. The grandmothers were only a call and a drive/flight away. My dad answered many medical calls with patience and reassurance as we dealt with the unknown worlds of baby illnesses and cancer. My brother, sister and their partners were here whenever we needed them, including babysitting and emergency calls in the night and even mopping up a flooded basement. Distant family was here too, providing a pick-up for Joey on bad days and extra laughs on good ones. We love all of you and are so blessed to have you in our lives.
As I watch my friends face the passing of beloved parents, I am also truly thankful that all of our parents and in-laws are alive and healthy. I say it is because I want my children to know their grandparents, but it is much more selfish than that. I cherish all six of you and want you here for my sake... even if the grandkids are now first in your hearts.
I am thankful for heat and excellent health insurance and the various grown-up things that provide stability. We are in the 99% but we do not have to worry about food, heat, shelter, or access to top-notch health care. In a year full of craziness, this is more valuable than I ever realized. We are so lucky.
Most, though, I am thankful that my time with Joey will be measured in decades. When he was first diagnosed, I told him that five years was not enough time together. I would feel cheated even at twenty-five. He is my beloved. I am so very, very happy that his cancer is in remission and our life as a family will not be cut short.
Life has returned to normal -- small frustrations and all -- and I am grateful for every moment of it. Thanks to all of you for helping us survive 2011. You had our back.