There were some requests at the wedding that we post our vows. These may have been made facetiously but I am proud of them so here they are. As will be evident, we each wrote our own vows.
Joey's VowsYou are my favorite and I love you the most.
I vow to love you until my dying day,
and even old Man Devillier couldn’t drag me away.
I will be with you and share life with you - in the good times and bad.
I look forward to every day of the rest of our lives.
I will cherish our lives together and I promise to tell you so every single day.
I give you this ring as a symbol of the declaration I’ve made in front of our friends and family that I LOVE YOU!
It will a reminder of the vow that I took today and I will be pleased to wear it for the rest of my life.
Erin's VowsJoJo, in the years that we have known each other, our relationship has passed through many phases – friend of a friend, friend, lover, partner. As we stand here before all of our friends and family to affirm our decision to move to a new phase – married people (hopefully, to be followed by “old married people”) – I make these promises to you:
· I will take care of you and let you take care of me – though some days it is hard to say which is more difficult
· I will cherish your family as I cherish mine – crazy cousins and all
· I will continue to leave piles of books scattered around the house – but with that comes the promise to learn, to travel, to experience new people and ideas
· I will laugh at the peanut joke as long as you keep singing me silly songs every day
· And last, there is no need for you to mention in sickness and in health for everyone here knows what a wonderful man you are – but I also promise to stand beside you always. I love you. There is no where else I would rather be.
The Peanut JokeSo, this peanut was walking down the street. It was a-salted.