Some Stats
Last week, Joey posted that we are halfway there. Given that it is my belly that is growing so quickly (inches per week, I swear), I thought I should clear that up. Twins are considered term at 37 weeks and typically deliver by week 38 to avoid a number of complications. So, we actually passed the halfway point at 19 weeks. As of this morning, we are now 55.26% the way there. Woot!
Our revised due date is January 23rd. Twins do tend to deliver early, with around half coming before 37 weeks. Generally 35 weeks is the cutoff for guaranteed NICU time, so we are definitely shooting for at least January 2nd. My answer to "when are they due" has evolved to "we are expecting them sometime in January, but definitely by January 23rd." The later the better, but I already am getting the idea that I will be ready!
The girls are fraternal. Ani is slightly bigger than Po. (As an older sister myself, I think she is just trying to get a jump on the necessary superiority complex.) We go in on Tuesday for the measurement ultrasound. According to the books, they are about ten inches long right now and 12 oz each. We'll see on Tuesday if they are textbook babies (like their mama) or more freewheelers (like their dada).
I am doing well. This whole pregnancy thing is cooler than I expected. I have felt the girls move for the past couple of weeks. Joey got to feel Ani kick (or punch) a couple of nights ago. I have turned into one of those pregnant ladies who has her hands on her belly all of the time. Pretty heady stuff.